Monday, November 27, 2006

Weekly Rankings (11/27/06)

Weekly Rankings. Red is GOP-held; Blue is Dem-held. Enjoy...

Five seats most likely to change parties:
1. Colorado (Wayne Allard)
2. Minnesota (Norm Coleman)
3. New Hampshire (John Sununu)

4. Oregon (Gordon Smith)
5. New Jersey (Frank Lautenberg)

Five seats least likely to change parties:
1. Rhode Island (Jack Reed)
2. Illinois (Richard Durbin)
3. Alabama (Jeff Sessions)
4. Idaho (Larry Craig)
5. Massachusetts (John Kerry)

Friday, November 24, 2006

News (11/24/06)

Here are some interesting news articles from the past week or so...
  • The New York Times has a nice piece about the elections and an overview of them:
  • A Minneapolis blog talks about Mayor RT Rybak's chances against incumbent GOP senator Norm Coleman:
  • Meanwhile, everybody's favorite conservative blog RedState has this to say about the 2008 senate races:
  • And, finally, the Des Moines Register talks about the overlooked, and potentially competitive 2008 Iowa senate race: 20061112/NEWS09/611120349/1001/NEWS

Starting Anew (11/24/06)

Hello all. Yes, I'm a lazy boor who never minds to post on his own blog. Well, no more. I am starting anew. First of all, a slightly new format will take shape: I will continue posting rankings every Monday, but will, throughout the week, post both news articles and analyses. I will not go into as much detail as I used to, but will give a brief over view, some candidates, and my prediction. So, here we go. Here's to a good two years!