Monday, July 17, 2006

Weekly Rankings (7/17/06)

Here they are again. Bold indicates a ratings change.

Top 5 seats MOST likely to change parties (1 being the most likely):
1. Colorado (R-Allard) [Toss-Up]
2. New Jersey (D-Lautenberd) [Toss-Up]
3. Maine (R-Collins) [Leans GOP]
4. Minnesota (R-Coleman) [Leans GOP]
4. North Carolina (R-Dole) [Leans GOP]

Top 5 seats LEAST likely to change parties (1 being the least likely):
1. Mississippi (R-Cochran) [Safe GOP]
2. Rhode Island (D-Reed) [Safe Dem]
3. Idaho (R-Craig) [Safe GOP]
4. Nebraska (R-Hagel) [Safe GOP]
5. Illinois (D-Durbin) [Safe Dem]


Blogger Cwech said...

I would like to make a case for Gordon Smith of Oregon being on the "most vulnerable" list, Oregon is an increasingly blue State, and Smith votes way out of step with the State ideologically. He's far from safe. Oregon is now a more liberal State than is Minnesota and Smith's voting record is almost identical to Coleman's. It could potentially be very competitive, Smith isnt the moderate he pretends to be.

10/23/2006 2:07 AM  

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